This document constitutes an Agreement in accordance with the general terms and conditions and the privacy policies applicable to the access and use of the services offered by Luxury Andes within the site https://luxuryandes.com/en/

All purchases and transactions that are made on this website will be governed by the terms and conditions described here, as well as by the applicable legislation in the Republic of Ecuador. These terms and conditions are binding and, therefore, users who do not wish to accept them must refrain from using this website and/or its services, since their use implies unconditional acceptance of such terms and conditions.

For such use of the site or its services, the user will be obliged to expressly comply with them, not being able to claim ignorance of such Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

The services will only be available to people who have the legal capacity to buy. Therefore, the services of this website may not be used by minors, persons legally disqualified from contracting and persons who have breached these terms and conditions.

The acts carried out by minors on this site will be the responsibility of their parents, tutors, managers or caregivers, and therefore will be considered carried out by them in the exercise of the legal representation they have. Whoever registers a user as a company must have the capacity to contract on behalf of such entity and to bind it under the terms of this agreement.

It will be understood that users give their express, free and voluntary consent to the terms and conditions expressed herein, by accepting them through the means established on this website.


The data for registration and online purchase will have the purpose of validating purchase orders and improving the work of information and marketing of the products and services provided by Luxury Andes.

This information is confidential and its handling is governed by the Privacy Policy.


Luxury Andes through this website makes offers of services that may be accepted by the client electronically using the mechanisms that the site itself offers.

Luxury Andes validates each purchase with the card-issuing bank. Luxury Andes will request the authorization of the purchase from the issuing bank, in the event that the issuing bank of the card does not authorize the purchase, it will be canceled and an email will be sent to the client indicating that the purchase was not authorized by the issuing bank. your card.


The products offered on this site can only be paid with Visa, Mastercard, Diners, American Express and Discover debit or credit cards issued in Ecuador or abroad as long as they maintain a current contract for such purposes with the offering company, the payment It may be revolving, or it may be deferred with interest or without interest, depending on the option available at Luxury Andes.

At the time of making the payment for a product so that it is confirmed to the user, Luxury Andes will request the necessary information to comply with the acquisition of the service and will put the means of payment available for the purchase at the user's choice.

For user security, Luxury Andes requires credit or debit card information for each purchase and does not store this kind of user information.

In the event that the user has not ordered the product and the Financial Institution has authorized the purchase, the user must immediately notify Luxury Andes so that the purchased service is not used.

If the purchase was paid through a credit/debit card and Luxury Andes was not notified of any irregularity in the use of said means of payment, Luxury Andes will provide the service and will not be responsible for the misuse of the means of payment.


The intellectual property rights contained in this website are protected by the laws applicable to the matter.

Consequently, the elements included here (photos, designs, logos, etc.) may not be reproduced, used, adapted or marketed by this or any other means without the prior written approval of Luxury Andes.