Return Policy

At Luxury Andes our priority is your satisfaction. So to provide you with a better shopping experience, we have opened the possibility of receiving a partial refund of your money in case you are not satisfied with the service purchased. The policies are as follows:


The following are the charges for cancellation per passenger, before the arrival date.Days Charge

Days​ Charge
 More than 30 days   15%
 Between 15 and 29 days  20% of the total value
 Between 07 and 15 days   30% of the total value
 Less than 7 days  No refund

For pre-sale purchases, no refund applies.
Transfer: USD 10.00
Car rental: USD 30.00

Important: There are specific policies and charges for hotels, cruises, and travel packages. There will be no refund for unused sections of services.
Note: There are special cancellation policies in the case of cruises and some hotels. There is no refund for unused tourist services.
To open the return case, call us at +593 98 365 4490 or write to us at